Bantuan Covid Via Transfer. At the moment we are flying again to most of our destinations. It is mandatory for tourists to comply with the quarantine conditions in the hotel rooms until the results of their second PCR tests are finalized.
You should also check the latest guidance and travel advice from the Government. Kami berharap agar bantuan-bantuan yang BSN tawarkan ini dapat meringankan beban dan membantu rakyat Malaysia dalam waktu yang sukar ini," tambah Datuk Yunos. Permohonan akan terbatal dengan sendirinya dan tindakan undang- undang boleh diambil sekiranya maklumat yang diberikan didapati palsu.
It is mandatory for tourists to comply with the quarantine conditions in the hotel rooms until the results of their second PCR tests are finalized.
Transfer of tourists to hotels from the entrance gates is conducted by the relevant hotel authorities.
Kami berharap agar bantuan-bantuan yang BSN tawarkan ini dapat meringankan beban dan membantu rakyat Malaysia dalam waktu yang sukar ini," tambah Datuk Yunos. The allowance will be paid to successful applicants via crossed cheques payable to named individuals. Belum lagi pemotongan santunan, hingga kerumitan birokrasi pencairan bantuan sosial.